

Project Details

Elana is a digital healthcare platform for women who suffer from pelvic health issues. Currently, there is a lot of stigma associated with pelvic issues, and it’s not easy to access education and specialized care. Elana aims to solve this and make it standard of care for all women, at any stage in their life.


To connect women to pelvic care practitioners, products, and information to prevent and treat pelvic health disorders.

Target Users

  • Women between the ages 30-55.
  • Health practitioners that work with pelvic health dysfunction.


To design a practitioner marketplace and a symptom tracker for patients.

Project Weeks

February - April 2022

My role

Product Designer in a team of 5  (Daniel Park, Matt Hughes, Paul Chi, Ewuradjoa Abaaho)



Preliminary Research

Any research conducted is currently under an NDA, and I’m not able to discuss these findings on my website. Please email me for more information about this.


User Personas

Once we finished completing the research stage of the design process, we moved on to creating User Personas. We made an aggregate compilation of our users, and created these personas to summarize the characteristics and goals of our target audiences. Nicole represents individuals seeking help for pelvic care, and Jessica represents pelvic health practitioners.


Nicole is a married 40 year old teacher at a local elementary school. After giving birth to her second child, Nicole started experiencing pelvic floor dysfunction. She had intermittent bladder issues. Nicole has spoken with her ob-gyn about her issues and is looking for more help with managing her symptoms.

Nicole’s Goals

1|  Have access to education and exercises.

2|  Keep track of symptoms and easily communicate with practitioners.

Nicole’s Frustrations

Not easily able to schedule practitioner appointments.

Hard to keep track of her pelvic health symptoms.


Jessica is a 45 year old health practitioner who is in private practice. She uses a website to help run her practice. Jessica is open to other digital opportunities to enhance her business. The pandemic has had a considerable effect in the way she has been treating her patients, and telehealth has been the main way she has been seeing them.

Jessica’s Goals

1|  To have an easy and simple experience using the platform to see patients.

2|  Wants her business profile to be seen by potential clients for increased exposure.

Jessica’s Frustrations

Has a hard time modifying patient information in the software she uses.

Needs more options for seeing her patients for consultations.

Design Phase

Now that we had a better idea of who our users were, including their motivations, challenges, and goals, we moved on to sketching wireframes, and then to digital versions in Figma. There were many iterations made during this part of the process, with a lot of group brainstorming sessions that lasted hours at a time (I find this part of the process to be fun and creative).


Digital Wireframes to Lo-Fidelity Designs

  • After meeting with developers, we had to iterate on our designs and narrow the scope of the project due to technical constraints.
  • Our team designed a homepage, sign-up pages, browse practitioner pages, and a practitioner profile page. We took out the Symptom Tracker. I was responsible for designing the homepage.

Testing the Product

Once our wireframes and lo-fidelity prototypes were completed, we tested the early designs of Elana on users through a usability study. We completed a full research plan and analyzed the results.

»  User Testing Results for the Homepage

While the lo-fidelity wireframes provided individuals information about Elana and its purpose, there was not enough information about Elana for practitioners before they were willing to sign-up.

Hi-Fidelity Designs

Back to the drawing board

Homepage version 1:

  • This first hi-fidelity design featured a single CTA button next to the hero image for individuals.
  • Our stakeholders requested a change to this design to allow both individuals and practitioners to access services in a quicker flow.

Homepage version 2:

  • Two CTA buttons were then designed for the stakeholders.
  • However, a new round of user testing revealed confusion and decreased trust with this layout.
  • Users desired more information about what Elana does for individuals and practitioners, before beginning the sign-up process.

Homepage version 3:

  • One CTA button was created for our main users: the individual. Practitioners would utilize their link in the fixed/sticky navigation bar. (So in the end, we came back to our first version of the hi-fi design).

»  Final Homepage iteration (for now)

Individuals and Practitioners now have their own links to their respective landing pages in the sticky navigation bar. Each page has specific information for those users to complete either the sign up process, browse providers, or just to look around.


Individuals page

Practitioner page


The Solution

Narrowed the Scope

We met our goal to create a space for pelvic care practitioners to connect with individuals. This was done by modifying and narrowing the scope of the project for our first launch.


The team designed a minimal viable product in just 8 weeks that destigmatized pelvic health disorders, and provided a resource for women searching for information or help with pelvic health issues.

Design System

A collection of visual styles and reusable components for Elana.


Next steps if I had more time:

  • Designing a lot more of the patient/individuals side of Elana.
  • Create a patient symptom tracker.
  • Design the telehealth platform that both patients and practitioners would be using.

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